Friday, March 8th, 2024 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Science and Mathematics Complex Atrium, Buffalo State University
Join your favorite breweries from across WNY for a totality awesome night! You’ll enjoy eclipse themed treats, activities and planetarium shows, and some great eclipse themed merch. Don’t be left in the dark! Tickets are limited, so buy yours today!
VIP admission: $100 General admission: $50 Designated Driver: $25
Proceeds support educational programs at the Whitworth Ferguson Planetarium
General Admission includes:
Souvenir tasting glass
Beer samples from a variety of local brewers (Participating Breweries Listed Below)
Tasty eclipse themed appetizers
Planetarium shows and other eclipse themed activities
And eclipse glasses for the big event!
VIP ticket includes everything from the General Admission ticket plus:
Private area with dedicated restrooms
Appetizers provided by local culinary artists (and Buff State alum!)
Dedicated brew master
Exclusive swag bag
Questions? eclipse@buffalostate.edu
Participating Breweries (updated as breweries are added)

An eclipse themed mead! Bright notes of tangerine and hops eclipsed by black currant and black cherry aligned with earthy notes of local wildflower honey